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Ambition , that should be your keyword to get to the top. That is why stARTISTcoaching offers you the space and knowledge to get the most out of it.  

Below you will find an overview of all topics that we can cover and various methods that I use to optimally help you with your issue. 

Any coaching trajectory  is individually composed, because you are unique .  After a first meeting, we will determine together what is included in your coaching package.


De "koningsdiscipline" van zang, dans EN spel is musical. Hierbij komen alle disciplines bij elkaar. Om dit te doen moet je een allrounder in je vak worden, die ook daadwerkelijk alles tegelijk kan doen. 

Denk hierbij aan ademsteun tijdens het dansen, liedinterpretatie als je zingt, emoties overbrengen in een choreografie etc. 

Door mijn ruime ervaring als allrounder in de musicalwereld weet ik precies waar je op moet letten en leer jou de juiste techniek om succesvol op het toneel in een kleine of grote musical te kunnen staan.


in German

As an Austrian, who learned Dutch in the Netherlands, I know the pitfalls of these two languages. Through my work as a translator I have expanded my vocabulary more and more and I can therefore help you quickly and purposefully with understanding the language and your pronunciation. And because I myself have worked in the theater in Germany, I know the theater world and practices there well. This can give you an edge.

Do you want to make this switch?

Due to my connections and experience in Germany, I have enough knowledge about the German market to find a suitable place for you together with you.

I'll show you where to find auditions, help you prepare a job application email, watch the correspondence with the potential client and help you read through documents.


You often get some material sent to you. If this is not the case, we will look for material that suits you and tinker with it.

If you need to sing a song in German, we'll run through the entire lyrics by pronunciation and translate the lyrics so you know what you're singing.

We also look together at how you can introduce yourself to the jury and discuss what you might encounter in Germany during an audition. 


If the audition is successful, the process continues. In the best case scenario, you will be offered a contract, again in German of course.

Together we go through all the documents  and review the contractual agreements. I help you communicate with the future client so that you are assured that nothing is overlooked and that you leave a good impression.

Are you ready to find your ideal education?  

of wil je liever live contact?

Breath Flow Pilates

Breath Flow Pilates voor body and mind - fit voor elke uitdaging

Musicalauditie Duitsland
German for
musical artists

Coaching specifiek voor

de Duitse musical markt

turn into

Hulp bij opzetten van je eigen  onderneming

Praktijkgerichte coaching

Coaching in song/dance/play

Kickstart - 

The analysis

Almost every trajectory starts with the “Kickstart”. In two sessions we will find out where you are now and we will make an action plan based on the following questions:

  • What have you done so far?

  • What can you do now?

  • What type are you?

  • Which style suits you best?

  • Which musical and role suits you?

  • What would you like to do?

  • What's stopping you from getting there?

  • What remains to be done to achieve that goal?

  • What steps should you take in the future?

How do we do this?  Click here for further information .


We work together on your dance technique from where you are now. 

This can be done in a number of different dance styles:

  • Classic ballet 

  • Pointe technique (this requires a certain technical level)

  • Jazz and musical/  show dance - this also includes specific styles such as Charleston, Fosse, etc.

  • tap dance

  • Modern

  • street dance

The dance style is actually unimportant.  In the coaching we reinforce exactly what you need and what is within your physical capabilities.

We will always start with a short warm-up and then work on your issue. 


Most importantly, what would you like to learn?  

Whether you need to prepare a song for an audition, expand your repertoire or just get to grips with a certain timbre, you've got it covered!  

We work with CVT (=Complete Vocal Technique). In this singing technique, certain sounds are used, which automatically adjust your technique. You apply this directly to the song you want to sing. 

We will also tinker with your musicality. What would it be like to make a song completely your own? Add your own 'flavour'? We are looking for  your voice , timing and interpretation.  


What is perhaps even more important than the technique is the feeling with which you sing. Even with a flawless singing technique it is still possible that you are not touched by someone's voice.

And it does not matter in which singing style you sing, this technique can be used for all singing styles . 

In a coaching session with singing we also go  on your breath support, develop an individual singing routine together  for you  and work focused on your coaching question. 


Acting is not just a trick. The closer you can look to yourself for certain emotions, the more believable you can portray a character.


Based on your experience, we go into the deepening. We are looking for the answer to 'the five W's'. Who, what, where, when, why? When you play a character it is important to have this role floor clear for yourself.


We will also try to get as close as possible to your own emotions and ensure that you can use them for a certain role.

Mentale coaching

Mental coaching - goodbye, blockages!

Mentally fit

for the work field

The theater profession is not always easy. You are constantly confronted with opinions and criticism from others. To handle this, you need to be strong. You need to know where you stand, who you are, what you are good at and what your pitfalls are. Especially your authenticity is the key to success. By (being able to) be completely yourself, you distinguish yourself from the rest. Because that makes you unique and cannot be exchanged for others.  

In the coaching we therefore look for your authentic self: Who are you? What is your motivation? Where are your strengths? What will you have to pay attention to?


It is easier to achieve your goal if you have it clearly in mind. That is why in our conversations we go deeper into what you expect from the theater profession. Where do you see yourself? What roles would you like to play? Which pieces would you most like to do? What are your expectations for the future? Is this real?  


In this quest you can also encounter another aspect: events from your past can hinder you in such a way that you are hindered by this without knowing it. Have you been bullied? Have you often heard that you cannot do something? Does someone have (too) high expectations in you (perhaps you have them yourself)? 
These can also be unconscious things. In order to be able to detect these, I use a number of powerful methods for coaching:

heart coherence

Conscious breathing is a link between body and mind. Our nervous system, so our entire system,  has three states: 

  • safety

  • fight or flight

  • immobilization

Each state has its own physiology, which influences all vital functions of our system. 


A very efficient one  method to solve "old sore" that still affects your current life.

Do you sometimes react very strongly to words, persons or situations, which actually don't amount to much when viewed from a dry point of view? Can you go all out if someone is behaving a certain way?

Imagine you are sitting with your colleague waiting for the audition. You are super well prepared, your material well practiced and you are really looking forward to it. You look around you and your eyes fall on a red bag. Suddenly you lose heart. Was it such a good idea to come here? You will be rejected again. You get in and the audition goes horribly wrong, everything that could go wrong goes wrong. When you come home you feel lousy. Maybe I should go do another job.  

It is very likely that you are reacting from a previous, probably unconscious experience, not to the actual situation at the moment. your sensory  perception unconsciously activates an old emotion from a past situation.  Unfortunately, this can have a major impact on your current life. 

By using a PMA (=Progressive Mental Alignment) I help you to bring this situation out of your subconscious and make it conscious, so that you can eventually react as you want.    

Want to know more about this method? Click here .

The Work

“My mother is doing everything she can to bring me down!”

  "I'm not good enough!"

“I'm always bad at auditions!”  


Do these statements sound familiar to you? We often have convictions in our heads that have become truth for us. By holding on to it, we stop ourselves from growing. This can be a protection not to have to cross a certain border.

With Katie Byron's 'The Work' you test these beliefs in a very insightful way and you see where their origins lie, so that you can throw these negative beliefs overboard. 


Breath Flow Pilates - Fit body equals fit mind

Live online -

via Zoom

As a singer, dancer and actor, your body is your instrument. That is why it is essential that you take good care of your body. Seventeen years ago I found the perfect way for myself to do this: Breath Flow Pilates!

While I preferred doing tough and technical classes, this is something I've stuck with.

Why? It has helped me with my back problems and my singing has acquired more 'body'. Furthermore, it simply gives a lot of energy and because of the effect on your deep muscles, your body becomes increasingly stronger. This allows your body to handle a lot more, which is useful if you want to dance in different styles.

What's so special about it? Read more here

on demand

No time to participate in the morning? Then you can always follow the lesson of the day “on demand”. This way you still stay fit, in your own time schedule.  

Click here  to go directly to the video.


become a freelancer


are you


You almost never have a permanent job in the theater profession. This will take you from contract to contract. Do you have many different individual assignments? Then you can always have this paid by a payroll company or you can become a freelancer. However, it is wise to think carefully about this choice.


As a freelancer you have a number of tax benefits, but there is also a lot of extra work involved. For example, you create your own invoices and you need to have your administration in order. Many people think too easily about this and then run into a lot of things.


Look at your situation together. Are you suitable for entrepreneurship? And how do you determine your own rate?  

We look at the following parts: 

  • Register at the Chamber of Commerce  (what name are you going to use, etc.)

  • Setting up your administration

  • Writing invoices

  • Accountancy

This way you can start your own business with confidence.

Duits voor musicalartiesten

For a


Would you like to make theater your profession, but you don't know where to start? Then I'm here to help you. I know many different courses and can therefore advise you which course suits you. We also look at where you are now. Are there still things you need to work on so that you go into auditions with more confidence?


Of course we also look at the audition procedure. We choose the right audition material and get to work with it, so that you can show yourself as well as possible.

Here you will find all the information we need to get your " Kickstart " done. 

For a 


Have you completed a theater education and are you thinking: what now?

Is everything going great when preparing for an audition, but it never comes out during auditions?

Or has your self-confidence been hit by the rejections you received?

Then we will get to work to put you in a stronger position.


Jobs in this field are often not up for grabs, which is why performing well at an audition is very important. Having a good network is also very important. But how do you build that up and where do you find the right auditions?


Read more here...

In Germany

The Netherlands now has a lot of productions in relation to the size of the country, but this is actually insignificant when you compare it with the amount of productions in Germany and Austria. In these countries theater is really part of the culture and there is more subsidy for it. That is why there are many small theaters and productions.


In these countries musicals and theater plays are almost always performed in German.

To do an audition in Germany or Austria, you will therefore always have to prepare a piece, song or monologue in German.

Do you want to make the switch? go  here  further.

Opleiding kiezen
coaching zang dans spel musical
Practical coaching

Coaching in

zang, dans en/of spel

Mentale Coaching

Dag blokkades!



Coaching bij alle vraagstukken rondom audities, bvb voorbereiding auditiemateriaal

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